Wednesday, January 2, 2013

where do I live again?

Holy Ice cycles it is cold outside! I woke up went to the kitchen and made coffee. Looked out my window and thought to myself, it doesn't look too bad out there. I grabbed my coat and got the dogs out of the kennel and headed to the door. I put my coat and boots on. I skipped my hat thinking it wouldn't be that bad, and my gloves were in my truck, so I didn't have those either.

While doing all this you can imagine my 3 dogs were waiting patiently next to the door. Well at least they were being good. My daschund was sitting on my couch watching me, with the look that told me, he would rather poop on the floor than go outside. My big black dog was actually waiting patiently at the door, and our new pup was wandering around the house checking things out. I finished getting my self ready to brave the outdoors, and grabbed Prince off the couch and went to grab the leash for the pup.

 Oh crap no leash!  Well I guess these fuzzy reins I have will work, I thought. clipped one end onto the pups collar and headed out the door. I stepped out the door and was instantly hit with a blast of cold air. All the dogs turned to run back in the house, so I quickly shut the door.  I told them if I had to be outside then so did they! I put my head down and continued to my truck. At least I will be using my truck today, so I will have heat for a bit anyway.

I got to my truck hopped in with the pup and turned it on. I then proceeded to turn on the heat. I sat there snuggling my pup until the truck was nice and toasty. I put it in drive and proceeded to the Alfalfa stacks. Pulled up and my Goat had gotten out and was helping herself to the hay.

"Are you ready to get out?" I asked the puppy.  He looked up at me like I was crazy and slowly put his head back down on the seat. "I feel the same way," I grumbled. I scooped up the pup and opened the door. hurried out and plopped him on the ground into the snow.  As I was wondering how I was going to get my goat back into the fence. I can use the reins!

I just clipped the other end of the fuzzy pink reins onto the goat and drug her back to the gate and slipped her in before everybody else got there. Burr, where the heck do I live again? Well right now I feel like I live in the artic. It was suppose to be 29 degrees out right now, but it feels like 10 degree to a normal person. but I am not normal so of course to me me it feels like -50. I ran to the truck and grabbed my gloves and pulled them on.

Awe nice and toasty from sitting in the warm truck, that was the trick. I finished throughing the hay into the truck bed and headed to feed the cows and ponies. After a couple minutes of standing in the back of the truck throughing hay to the animals and getting a lot of it blown back into my face, I was done. I jumped down and grabbed my pup, and hopped into the truck. So nice and warm we drove back up to the house and just sat in the truck for a while. I did not want to get back out. I did not want to walk through that frozen tundra of a walkway to my porch.

 I just wanted to snuggle my puppy in the comfort of the truck, where it was nice and warm. After a few minutes of sitting there, I saw a face in the window. My kids are up, I better get in the house. I groaned and shut off my truck, grabbed the puppy and opened the door. With the puppy in my arms I sprinted through the icy wind and snow up to my porch and threw open the door just as my kiddos were walking out of there room. I let the puppy down and he and my oldest daughter crawled onto the couch and snuggled up.

 As I write this they are still snuggling on the couch, the puppy is laying on top of my daughter fast asleep and she is watching TV. I looked over and notice that my curtains are open as I get up to shut them to keep the heat in, I think to myself, oh man I have to do that again tonight. I quickly close the curtains and think until we meet again. I will defiantly be better prepared for later.

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