Tuesday, March 25, 2014

switching places

My question today is If you had to be someone else for 24 hours, who would you chose and why? What would you do?

My first thought was Channing Tatum's wife, because lets face it, who would not want to be around that man. Especially like his wife gets to experience him. In all honesty when I really think about it, there are way to many options. I do not know who I would like to be for 24 hours other than myself. I could be someone rich and powerful or an Irish farmer, someone from the past like a viking or a queen. I think the best option for me would be to roll the dice and take whatever I am given. There are to many amazing people and to many experiences for me to choose just one.

If I switched with someone else I would continue to be me. I would follow the lifestyle of whoever I switched with, but continue with my personality. Just because you are technically someone else doesn't mean you can't be what is in your soul. I don't even know how to write this post, it frustrates me so much to think about it.

Who would you chose and why? What would you do once you were them?

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